

发布时间:2023-06-03 20:25:08编辑:小编归类:文学论文

1. 旅游热的作文

Space travel Space travel is ideal for people to travel in space. Space travel gives people a hitherto unknown experience. The most novel is that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of space. At the same time you also can enjoy the taste of weightlessness. In the near future, People may go to space travel.

Advantages of space travel is as follows.1.space travel provides a new space for human living 2. To provide people with new energy3. To help people better understand the universe4. Space research is good for other areas Although Space travel is beautiful It has disadvantages.

At first it costs too much. Secondly the idea of Human live on other planets is unrealistic.At last Space travel is dangerous.

As for me, all these problems will certainly be solved Step by step. A much better and brighter future waits for us.

2. 搜一下旅游的作文



3. 关于旅游热的作文

The best time to visit Beihai Last week,I went to Beihai with my family.I had a good time visiting Beihai.On first day,I went shopping with my mom.And I bought some drinks and snacks.I watched TV tomorrow.It was really boring.On next day,I went fishing,and I got some big fishs,because I was good at going fishing.On last day,I went to zoo with my family.At the zoo,I saw some really fun dogs.I liked them very much.I had fun visiting Beihai.I am very happy.

4. 旅游旅游作文


我们兴致勃勃地来到了八达岭长城脚下。我抬头往上看,啊,长城像一条弯弯曲曲的巨龙,威猛庞大,横卧在山坡上。     开始爬长城了,我飞快地向上面跑去,一格,两格……     过了一会儿,我渐渐地有点脚酸了,妈妈说:“再坚持一会儿我们就乘缆车了。”于是我又鼓起勇气往上爬,我的脚越来越酸了,就索性蹲在那里不走了,妈妈只好背起我往上走,妈妈累得气喘吁吁,再也走不动了,我们只好乘缆车下去了。     过了一会儿,一同去的妹妹她们也下来了,我还是妹妹厉害。我想回家后一定要好好锻炼身体,下次来北京非要爬上好汉坡不可,做一个真正的男子汉。

5. 旅游 的作文

Last week,I went to Sanya with my friend.We went swimming. We took lots of pictures.We ate some delicious food.I bought gift.


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