

发布时间:2023-07-19 13:17:43编辑:小编归类:管理论文


What is the main research question or objective of your study? 你的研究的主要问题或目标是什么?

Can you provide an overview of your research methodology? 你能概述一下你的研究方法论吗?

What are the key findings or results of your study? 你的研究有哪些关键发现或结果?

How does your research contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field? 你的研究对于该领域现有的知识有何贡献?

What were the limitations or challenges you encountered during your research? 你在研究过程中遇到了哪些限制或挑战?

How did you ensure the validity and reliability of your data and findings? 你如何确保你的数据和研究结果的有效性和可靠性?

Were there any unexpected or surprising results that emerged from your research? 你的研究中是否出现了意外或令人惊讶的结果?

How do your findings align with or differ from previous studies in the field? 你的研究结果与该领域的先前研究有何一致之处或差异?

What are the implications of your research findings for future studies or practical applications? 你的研究结果对未来研究或实际应用有何意义?

How would you address any limitations or further explore your research topic in the future? 你将如何解决你的研究中的限制,并在未来进一步探索你的研究课题?



论文里的致谢和附录要查重吗? 北交博士毕业要求?