

发布时间:2023-07-24 23:54:56编辑:小编归类:医学论文

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摘 要




关键词:连锁超市 物流配送模式

Research on the Choice of Supermarket Chain Stores' Distribution Model


The supermarket chain-store industry is the most important retail business in the world nowadays, and it's also the main part of our domestic retailing. Apparently, logistic distribution has become the keystone in supermarket chain-stores' management. Presently, most of native supermarkets choose Self-running distribution model, but less of them achieve expected scale benefit and efficiency. Among a series of scholars' research on distribution, the study about model choosing is not adequate although distribution model quite affects performance. So, author tries to talk about supermarket chain-stores' distribution model choosing.

Firstly, the article introduces some concepts of distribution and distribution model, then the characteristics of supermarket chain-stores' logistic distribution. Through analyzing the current status of domestic and foreign supermarket industry, author points out some problems.

Secondly, the paper states the currently-used supermarket chain-stores' distribution model in our country so as to put forward some suggestions to improve each distribution model.

Finally, the article sums up main factors that effect the supermarket chain-stores in choosing their own logistics distribution model. Then it use qualitative and quantitative methods for model choosing. Comparing with three quantitative methods, identified decision-making law, non-deterministic decision-making law and risk-based decision-making law, the first one should be chosed.

KEYWORDS: Supermarket chain-store, Dstribution model

